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제목 Make sure microplastics problem does not worsen if tyres made of recycled plastic are used
작성자 J**** (ip:)
  • 작성일 2022-12-29 18:29:55
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 36
평점 0점

I refer to the article on Dec 19, “Puncture-proof tyres made from plastic bottles being tested”.

As modern tyres made of synthetic rubber wear down, they produce tiny particles known as microplastics that pollute the environment. Microplastics have been found in our bodies; we breathe, drink and eat them unknowingly. Scientists still do not know what health risks these microplastics pose to our bodies. 안전카지노사이트

Using recycled plastic to make puncture-proof tyres sounds like a fantastic idea, but tests should be done to make sure that the use of such tyres does not worsen the microplastics problem.

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